Remove Labels, Wear Freedom
The historical past of clothing has generally adhered to gender norms, restricting individuals' freedom to express themselves as they wish. A person has become a figure shaped by others, not themselves. We are here to change this understanding.
For Mýga Kharites, fashion is a tool where everyone can tell their own story and be the hero of that story, regardless of body, identity, or gender. All our collections are designed to break social patterns and glorify freedom and individuality.
Beauty and elegance are the characteristics of individuals who have discovered themselves. As Mýga Kharites, we not only offer timeless and stylish designs, but also contribute to getting rid of the shells that block our light, revealing the real me within us,
and creating a world where we can live it freely.
Our aim is not only to produce clothes, but also to create a stance, to free the individual from categorizing patterns and to open a space where they can live their true self freely.
Clothing is for everyone, Mýga Kharites is for getting rid of our shells and being free!
Are you ready to rediscover yourself with us?
Live the Freedom of Being Yourself with Mýga Kharites!
Timeless, sustainable and innovative designs that encompass every gender, body and style...
We are here to break the stereotypical fashion perception of society and invite everyone to discover themselves. To break our shells by going beyond genders, to discover our true self hidden inside us like a pearl...
Because fashion is who you are...